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Ways to Support

Ways You Can Support All the Places We Call Home

Yes, ordering the book is so fabulously helpful (thank you!), but there are plenty of other ways you can offer support! Any or all of the following . . . 

1) Please tell a teacher or librarian you know about All the Places We Call Home. Please let them know that they can access the curriculum guide here.

2) Please tell your local indie bookstore about All the Places We Call Home.

3) Please suggest that your library system purchase All the Places We Call Home. Don't know how to do that? Go to your library system website and search for "Suggest a Purchase." This usually brings up the needed form. When filling out the form, you'll likely need some or all of the following information:

TitleAll the Places We Call Home
Author: written by Patrice Gopo and illustrated by Jenin Mohammed
Format: Book (hardback)
ISBN: 9781546012665
Audience: Children
Content: Fiction
Language: English
Publisher: Hachette Book Group/WorthyKids
Year: 2022
Publication Date: 14 June 2022
Price: $17.99

4) Love the book? Please leave a review of All the Places We Call Home on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. And, of course, please tell someone else about the book!

5) If you haven’t read the book yet, please add All the Places We Call Home to your WANT TO READ shelf on Goodreads!

6) And please feel free to download these graphics and share on social media:


Thank you for the help and the support!!